Welcome to

Cross Culture


22 Dec – Church Picnic

Join us for our annual Christmas party, on the back lawn at the church from 10:30AM Sunday 22 December. Bring a lawn chair or a picnic rug, and a plate of food to share. Please note: We won’t have a normal church service that day.

25 Dec – Christmas Service

Our Christmas Day service is happening on Sunday 25 December @ 9AM! Come join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Closing times

Please note, there will be no church services on 29 December + 6 January. Our church services will resume on Sunday the 12th of January 2025.

About us

We’re a community of believers in Jesus who love doing life together.

We believe we are called to love our God and to love our neighbours (Mark 12:30-31) and to see His Kingdom come in the community and city we live in.

Community Together

What a wonderful thing it is to follow Jesus as a community! During the week, and throughout the year, we get to spend quite a bit of time together as we grow in our faith and worship our King.

Whenever we can, we meet for picnics and BBQs, and we absolutely love getting away for our annual camp at Orchard Glory in Mooliabeenee.